Reservations & Waitlist

Make every reservation more profitable

Connect with more guests online, grow sales and optimize reservations with the restaurant industry’s leading reservation and waitlist software.

Book more reservations without paying commission fees

91% of guests discover restaurants from commission-free marketing channels. Book reservations from your website and reach more guests online by tapping into the world's most popular search, social media and marketing channels through SevenRooms, without paying cover fees.

Increase sales and profitability by upselling 24/7

Accelerate growth and open new streams of revenue by offering special experiences, like chef’s tasting menus, or events, like live music.

Fill last-minute cancellations without lifting a finger

Capitalize on excess demand by automatically filling seats with high-value guests by sending out alerts when you get cancellations.

Keep bookings in the family

Share reservation data and table inventory across your portfolio by automatically offering tables at nearby sister venues, keeping guests in your ecosystem and away from the competition.

Manage walk-ins seamlessly while delivering accurate wait times

Accommodate walk-ins or last-minute bookings by letting guests join a virtual waitlist and reduce abandonment rates with accurate wait times.

Keep up with guests before, during and after service

Use automated emails and text messages to send booking reminders and surveys to stay in touch and build better relationships.

“We’ve been able to reduce our fees by over 50%. We serve nearly a million customers annually, so those dollars add up. If I look at reservations booked through our website directly, with SevenRooms powering our booking widget and helping us drive clients to our website, we’ve seen bookings through our websites are at about 35-40%.”

Arthur Li, Altamarea Group

"The ROI from SevenRooms was greater than we imagined. With SevenRooms, we were able to reduce the costs associated with third-party booking fees and the cost of staffing our reservations team by more than half. There is no other system on the market that could have gotten us these results, and we certainly couldn’t have done it alone."

Louisa Gavin-Cowan, Group Reservation & Communications Manager, Zuma

“As a company, we really focus on personalising the guest journey on and offline. SevenRooms gives us the opportunity to do that. We can leverage guest insights and data based on recency, frequency, value and purchase behaviour. And the segmentation that is possible through condition-based auto-tags is a game changer for us in terms of marketing.”

Dayle O’Hara, Fazenda

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Integrated restaurant marketing & operations tools made to delight guests

7 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Restaurant Reservation System

Armed with a strong marketing strategy and the right tech tools, restaurant operators can work to flip that equation on its head. Enter: the restaurant CRM system.

Invest in tools that give you time back for human moments