Email Marketing

Email marketing purpose-built for hospitality

Showcase your unique brand, generate more repeat business and track marketing ROI with our email marketing software built for hospitality teams.
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Track email marketing ROI metrics that matter to your business

Tie email marketing campaigns back to reservations and revenue and seamlessly track marketing ROI.
Track influenced activities like reservations, orders and revenue generated per campaign to understand the impact on your bottom line.
Analyze email metrics like open and click-through rates to learn how your content resonates with your audience.

Time-saving email templates & automations that help you get back to business

Put together on-brand email marketing campaigns in seconds using pre-designed templates, automation features and an easy-to-use visual email editor.
Use a library of curated hospitality email templates for every occasion, and easily edit them to fit your unique brand.
Easily embed reservations, orders and menus as links to make it easy for guests to take action.
Test, send or schedule for a future date and time.
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Image of a Automation Email

Reach your audience with just the right message using data-driven segmentations

Personalized messaging matters in email marketing. Segment your database using filters and tags to make sure each message is hyper-relevant.
Target email segments based on filters, tags and Auto-tags like “wine lovers” or “takeout regulars.”
Personalize emails automatically using dynamic content like guests’ first names.

“The combination of SevenRooms Email Marketing and Automated Emails makes guests feel very connected with us. Being able to choose who our emails are going to — a specific customer segment or broadcasting to our whole database — makes the process a lot simpler.”

Alyssa Fenu, Mango's Tropical Café

“Adding SevenRooms preset campaigns to our email marketing strategy has been a huge timesaver for our staff and allows us to treat every guest like a VIP. We love the professional approach of the emails; they’re well thought out and are a good representation of our brand.”

David Haffner, Brodeur’s Bistro

“As a company, we really focus on personalising the guest journey on- and offline. SevenRooms gives us the opportunity to do that. We can leverage guest insights and data based on recency, frequency, value and purchase behaviour. And the segmentation that is possible through condition-based auto-tags is a game changer for us in terms of marketing.”

Dayle O’Hara, Fazenda

“SevenRooms allows us to learn about our guests before, during and after their experience – and that’s awesome. It’s enabled us to start taking a whole new approach to targeted marketing.”

Rob McGovern, Director of F&B, IGC Hospitality

“I love the SevenRooms philosophy that it’s our guests, our data. We have over 1 million clients in our CRM database now, and the ability to engage with them before, during, and after every dining experience.”

Ashley Keeney, Director of Administration, Mina

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Photo of Fazenda
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Simplify your hospitality tech stack

Image of a Restaurant Opening

Restaurant Email Marketing: How to Track and Measure Your ROI

To run a financially successful restaurant business, marketing efforts are not just crucial to attracting new customers, but they also play a critical role in turning first-time guests into loyal regulars.

More reservations, online orders and revenue — on demand

Frequently asked questions